
Coming of Age Ceremonies 2016: Girls

Coming of Age Ceremonies 2016: Girls

The purpose of this important work is to create a teaching ground for youth of how to be a human being in today’s society that carries innate responsibilities directed from one’s Ancestors. This is to respect the freedom of choice we are given in this lifetime. It is to be an active participant in the continued healing of the historical trauma of family, extended relatives and one’s environment.

Healing with Horses

Healing with Horses

With strong living Traditional Knowledge experience, Chief Arvol Looking Horse chooses to live amidst hundreds of roaming wild horses in Green Grass, South Dakota on Cheyenne River Reservation. This location is also home to the White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle which he has been tending to since he was twelve years old, passed to him by his Grandmother. He is now the 19th Generation Keeper.

Memorial Ride

Memorial Ride

As a continued commitment Chief Arvol Looking Horse will continue to lead the 30th Ceremonial Chief Big Foot Memorial Ride. The annual 200 mile winter horseback ride started in 1986 by Future Generation Riders has become a spiritual and educational journey for people and animals that heals and bridges Indigenous Elders with Youth to inspire a remembrance of history, a pride in culture and victory over oppression by a surviving community united in ceremony.

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

Often industrial agriculture grows GMO crops to feed, not people, but animals who are held in Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). The Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production investigated problems associated with industrial farm animal production operations and recommended CAFOs be phased out within 10 years.